The Greenhouse

woman sitting on black office rolling chair in front of computer monitor

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Part One: Changing buyer priorities – The CISO & Cyber

This started as a single blog about the changing buyer priorities, but as I delved into the research at length, it turned out there were a couple of topics to address. So, this will be a two or maybe a three-part series.When we ask who they're looking to target, organisations' default standard is a C-level executive. It's pretty generic, but over the last 6-12 months, we've started to see a change in remit as to who is responsible for what and their priorities.

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Talk to the hand

Did you know that someone born in the year 2000 is now 24 – old enough to have finished school, uni and a few years of their first corporate job? Insanity, I know, but given this indisputable fact, we need to accept that new generations are entering the workforce, climbing the ranks, and both influencing […]

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How to Make Your Brand Shine at Conferences

Have you recently walked through a tech conference and thought to yourself, "Wow, they all look the same."  From the booth to the swag to the faces representing the brand, nothing really stood out. In fact, you felt so lost amongst the sea of booths that you couldn’t even identify a landmark to guide you […]

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AI-generated images – the ethical debate

AI-generated images and videos are advancing in leaps and bounds. If you haven’t seen this video, comparing AI-generated videos from 12 months ago to now, it’s worth a watch. As the outputs become more sophisticated and less preschool-drawing-of-your-nightmares, you can see it’ll have a whole host of practical applications. In the IT channel, we sometimes […]

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Strategic content creation – the OLS approach

Did you know that it was Bill Gates who first said, "Content is king," way back in 1996, almost 30 years ago? Despite the clickbait-y headlines proclaiming that "Content Marketing is Dead," content is no less relevant than it was 27 years ago (anyone else feeling old??). But with the average person receiving 121 business […]

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Why our customers are mad about MMaaS

When I opened the doors to One Little Seed back in 2019, I knew it needed to be something different. To offer something new. And that ‘something’ couldn’t be a shiny thing or a fad. What was obvious was that there was a need in the IT industry for experienced, passionate about technology and multi-skilled […]

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The key to building strategic partnerships and longevity the One Little Seed way

I know every marketing agency says they are different. I don’t really think One Little Seed is an agency in its truest form. But this could also be my perception. To me, an agency is where you go for a campaign, a fixed body of work tied to deliverables within a time frame. This is where I think we are different.

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Scaled Agile flexes marketing muscle with its first regional agency 

If you have ever implemented or developed a business application, the chances are excellent that you’ve heard of Scaled Agile and SAFe® - the world’s most trusted system for business agility. 

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Marketing in an AI-centric world 

If I had a dollar every time someone asked me whether I was using ChatGPT to write blog posts and marketing content now, I would be mortgage-free and wearing a new pair of kicks (but probably still working, cause hey, I love it). The answer is a resounding no.

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The challenges of getting SEO right

First up - a disclaimer. We are not SEO experts. In fact, it’s a service that we don’t offer through One Little Seed. However, we do work with multiple SEO agencies in our quest to partner with the right one for our clients (truth be told, we’re still looking).

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Let's talk about content from a brand perspective.  

Gartner's recent Buyers Journey study increased the buying group size up to six to ten people (up from four to nine in late 2022). And we counted 12 online touchpoints for the buyers group.

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We’re not shrinking violets when it comes to a recession. 

While other marketing departments and agencies around the world may be quaking in their boots right now (as they are usually the first expense to go in times of recession), we know better.  

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The no-so trusted advisor

About a month ago, I attended a LinkedIn Live to listen to the latest that Jay McBain from Canalys had to say. I started taking notes for my team, and in the end, couldn't scribble fast enough and told them all to take the 29 minutes themselves to listen.

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Writing IT right

When most people (usually Uber drivers) ask what I do, and I answer that I write about technology, they look at me with pity. I suspect they imagine me hunched over a laptop writing endless dry proposals and user manuals, or impenetrable acronym-packed ‘how to’ articles. Thankfully, writing about technology isn’t like that for me - or the rest of the One Little Seed team.

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Playing it safe in B2B Marketing

In light of the recent Balenciaga train wreck (if you aren’t a Kimmy K follower and haven’t seen it on the news, think children pictured with S&M props), I have been thinking about the role of controversial or provocative advertising.

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The changing buyer journey

As it seems these days, my path down a rabbit hole begins with someone else's innocuous LinkedIn post. Essentially the premise was that Thomas could have purchased a Tesla without ever having stepped inside a showroom and used Apple Pay to complete a digital transaction fully.

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Oh, NiCE one, One Little Seed and Tech Data!

When Microsoft announced widespread changes to its subscription-based software in late 2021, it meant a major shift in the industry. Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE) was confusing, complicated, and even a bit scary.

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You said what? Embracing the acronym

Every industry has its own lingo and decrypting acronyms can be overwhelming. Especially when they are flying out at you during meetings. So many acronyms have multiple meanings and even industry-specific acronyms can mean more than one thing. Haven’t we all been in a meeting and thought to ourselves, do those letters mean what you think they mean? You might not want to interrupt or appear foolish by asking for clarification. For example, in a recent meeting I heard CDP. My brain was ticking over with options- calm down please? continuous data protection? customer data platform? comprehensive development plan? Which one was it?

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Part two: Changing Buyer Priorities - Sustainable Practices

As the price of electricity, petrol and general inflation rockets more businesses are looking at their sustainability practices. And this is being driven by multiple stakeholders, primarily customers and regulation.

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Hybrid events

We have all seen the headlines proclaiming that 2022 is the year of the hybrid event – we even mentioned it in our 2021 wrap-up email. For many companies, turning their in-person event into a hybrid event is a no-brainer. You can have facetime with your local or your largest customer base, and you can get fantastic cross-country or even global reach by throwing it online – what’s not to like??

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Part One: Changing buyer priorities – The CISO & Cyber

This started as a single blog about the changing buyer priorities, but as I delved into the research at length, it turned out there were a couple of topics to address. So, this will be a two or maybe a three-part series.When we ask who they're looking to target, organisations' default standard is a C-level executive. It's pretty generic, but over the last 6-12 months, we've started to see a change in remit as to who is responsible for what and their priorities.

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